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Great thinkers on communications

Forbes has an amazing collection of short interviews with great thinkers on the nature of communications — perfect bite-sized nuggets of good, thought-provoking material.

Noam Chomsky
On The Spontaneous Invention Of Language
Language abhors a vacuum.
Also: On Why Kids Learn Languages Easily

Jane Goodall
On Why Words Hurt
World’s foremost expert on chimpanzees says language can make it harder to communicate.
Also: On The Dangers Of E-Mail

Vint Cerf
On How The Internet Changed Communication
Computer networking pioneer says the Internet is making our world a smaller place.
Also: On Networking In Space

Kurt Vonnegut
On Telling A Story
Legendary novelist warns that ink on paper is no way to communicate.

Desmond Morris
On Symbolic Gestures
There’s a lot of meaning in a raised finger.
Also: On Close Encounters
On Cross-Cultural Communication

Wil Wheaton
On Blogging
An instant message conversation with one of the Internet’s most popular bloggers.


(Thanks, Kestrell!)

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