Boing Boing Staging

David Copperfield's immaculate conception

Details are scarce, but apparently stage magician David Copperfield told the German magazine Galore that he’s going to impregnate a woman on stage. Without touching her. He must have good aim. From Ananova:

“Naturally it will be without sex. Everyone will be happy about it, but I’m not telling you any more.”

Link (Thanks, Jenn Shreve and Eric Salmon!)

UPDATE: Thanks to all the readers who commented that this isn’t a new trick for Coppperfield. Anil Kandangath says:

I saw Copperfield at the MGM in Vegas last fall, and he did the immaculate conception trick. Basically he picks a girl at random from the audience, and proceeds to play out a romantic tale, which includes a very funny way of serenading her. He then shows a sonogram of her tummy which reveals a baby inside. (BB reader Roger Braun adds that the baby in the womb “holds a card that another person from the audience has drawn on a paper and hidden.”) I’m not so sure about the touching part since the girl grabbed his ass while being escorted to the stage, and David wryly commented that his name was Copperfield, not Cop-a-feel. I thought that it was quick-witted humor, but a search on Google revealed this page where the exact same scene is described. It would be too much of a coincidence if I saw the show on the same day as the lady who reviewed it (He performs quite regularly at the MGM).

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