Boing Boing Staging

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Avast ye scurvy dogs. Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, yarrr cully, and any squint what is caught not talking like a pirate will have his filthy guts torn from his wreeetched grog pot and laced round his useless head. Properly warned ye be, says I, and Davy Jones Locker waits for them what disobeys.


Update: A reader sez, “Distributed Proofreaders is celebrating ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’ as ‘Proof Like a Pirate Day‘:”

“This ‘ere site provides a web-based method o’ easin’ th’ proofreadin’ work associated wi’ th’ digitization o’ Public Domain books into Project Gut’nberg e-books. By divvying up th’ work into individual pages many fine, feisty swashbucklers can be attacking th’ same book at th’ same time. This significantly speeds up th’ proofreading/e-book booty-creation process.”

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