Boing Boing Staging

Monthly best of Boing Boing for the first five years

Rich Burridge has used Waxy’s amazing analysis of our first five years’ worth of posts to compile a month-by-month best-of-Boing-Boing for the five years leading up to last January, our fifth anniversary. It’s a really cool walk down memory lane — it certainly made me a little misty!

Favorite BoingBoing Links (March 2003)

  • Snow Crystal Photographs
  • A Collection of Ice Photography
  • File Compression: New Tool for Life Detection?
  • If Imagineers opened a furniture store
  • Top Ten Digital Photography Tips
  • The Internet Speculative Fiction Database (to fiction what
    IMDB is to movies)
  • Military Laptop That’s Dishwasher Safe
  • How Trackback Works
  • Chemistry Comes Alive!
  • Dog Bites AIBO
  • Michael Larsen, Game Show Legend
  • Notes on Reading an Electronic Book
  • The Periodic Table of Haiku
  • Bar Code Art
  • Rubik’s Cube Art
  • String Art
  • Pencil Carving Gallery
  • Nanoscale padlock
  • Starting Fire With an Ice Lens
  • Fly with Implanted Webserver
  • Cool Bullet Pictures
  • George Orwell’s Works Online

(Thanks, Rich!)

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