Boing Boing Staging

Katrina: instant message; Joel and Jake continued

Jacob Appelbaum blogs from New Orleans:

This is an Army truck that drives around the area alerting people to daily messages.

Yesterday the whistle sound (something like the legend of zelda according to Joel Johnson) played and alerted people to a message about a chemical air drop over the city. The Army stated that this would include low flying aircraft spraying chemicals to stop mosquito breeding. The times were about an hour before dusk and an hour before dawn. Do not be alarmed.

I can attest that the bugs here are terrible. I’ve been bitten on my left arm over 20 times. It’s a problem, no doubt about it. I wonder if the chemical will cause problems later on or if it’s totally safe?

When I asked Army officials what the spray was, they did not know. Does anyone know […]?

In other news from Algiers, Cindy Sheehan and Veterans for Peace visited the neighborhood where Joel and Jake are providing geek aid; Food Not Bombs also showed up with kitchen gear. And

Joel busted his ass all day to raise an antenna mast. 94.5FM is now live and rolling. All of New Orleans within line of sight should be able to tune in.

I got a message from the guys last night that the station was cranking… and one of the first songs played was this.


Radio Free NOLA

Katrina: Strange fruit

Wardriving occupied New Orleans on 9/11

Bloggers Joel and Jake visit NOLA for geek aid

Blackwater gets carte blanche

Katrina account of Malik Rahim: “This is criminal…. genocide.

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