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HOWTO beat carny games

Great page of tips for beating rigged carnival games. Take these to heart and you will be able to acquire an unlimited supply of gigantic, trademark-infringing stuffed animals. W00t.

“For the dime toss game, where you try to land a dime or other coin on a glass plate placed several feet back from where the mark stands, the winning ingredient is saliva.” from SP33

“For knocking over milk jugs games, most players mistakently aim for the intersection of the 3 jugs, which means striking the bottom 2 at the top of the jug. problem is, the jugs have a couple pounds of lead in the bottom, making them behave like weebles. if you can hit the base of the bottom 2 jugs you have a much better chance of success.” from SP33


(via Lawgeek)

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