Boing Boing Staging

Vag-in-a-Can and other wacky Japanese sex toys

At left, SACK TWO brand condoms with manga packaging that reads, in part, “TRY NEW TYPE CAN YOU SURVIVE? 12 TIMES?”

You have no chance to survive make your time.

It’s one of many odd products featured on a blog post here about Japansese Porno Shop Curiosities.

My two other favorites are a manga character modeling the rectal funnel gizmo shown here (“ohnooooo! must you look inside my butt?”) and vagina in a can.

Hey, what guy can’t use a nice tall can of female genitals now and then?

Snip from Rob’s blog confessional about a first-hand (snort) experience with the device:

And you know what? It felt alright. It did the trick. That is, until it was all over. Until the moment after, when I was hit by a sobering freight train of humility, looking down at my dick stuck inside a latex vagina housed in a plastic beer can. Moments like that you start to question everything – “How the hell did it come to this? Who am I? What am I doing with my life?” I probably sat there for an hour, silently with my plastic lover, pondering my existence.

The next morning, when the subject of the previous night came up and someone said, “oh, where’s that funny beer can thing we got? Rob, you had it, right?” And everyone looks at me, and I just stare at them for a moment, and then say, “…I fucked it. I fucked it and I hated myself, and now it’s gone.” There was a slight pause, followed by uproarious laughter. The ridicule took months to subside.

Link to blog post (Thanks, I-Wei)

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