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FSM: Give us this day / our daily noodle

Update: Don’t miss Mark’s post on Boing Boing’s FSM fundraiser to benefit the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), a group that works to defend science education in schools. Link

A roundup of devotional urls for Pastafarians.

(1) It isn’t a real meme until Ze Frank weighs in. Link

(2) Today’s “Family Circus” comic contains what could be interpreted as a stealth FSM reference. Link (Thanks, Eric and WT Hellzatt)

(3) How To Debate a Creationist: this blog entry links to an MP3 of a leave-it-to-beaveroid ’50s (or early ’60s?) song about science. “It’s a scientific fact / it has to be correct / because it is a scientific fact.” Kind of scary to think that empirical logic was more generally accepted in fifties pop culture than it is today.

(4) Mike Everett-Lane says,

Inspired by the variety of FSM graphics you posted, I’ve created an 80 x 15 pixel “button” for those who want to help show their support for the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Link.

(5) Hymns in His honor abound. It seems He has relatives. Is Cthulhu one of them? (Thanks, Larry White, Josh, and Michael Parker)

(6) Mein Gott, ein Nudelmonster! (via Al Dente)

(7) A 3D rendering. Link (Thanks, nico)

(8) A parody of Mormon prophet Joseph Smith’s “First Vision.” Link

(9) Boing Boing reader Adam Pava says,

Hi Xeni. I’ve enjoyed following the boom of FSM-related material you guys have been covering, but I noticed nobody has created a Pastafarianism holiday yet. How about asking the greater Boing Boing community for ideas? Here are mine:

Pastaover. It’s obviously the night that the Flying Spaghetti Monster flew over the city, looking for the houses that had marinara sauce splashed upon the doorposts. Perhaps, during dinner, the youngest child asks the four questions: Why on this night do we leave a chair open for the Ghost of Blackbeard? Why on this night do we wear overturned bowls of spaghetti on our heads, like that cute picture of that baby I saw once? And so on. I’m not a theologian. Other possible holidays:


Yummy Kippur

Nosh Hashanah

Good Farfallday

Cinco de Macaroni

Pastille Day

I’m sure your readers can do better.


FSM flotsam
Flying Spaghetti Monster Has a Posse, and more

Pastafarianism: Flying Spaghetti Monster cult grows

Boing Boing’s $1 Million Intelligent Design challenge

DIY Flying Spaghetti Monster bumper sticker

Dear Kansas: Why stop at “Intelligent Design?”

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