Boing Boing Staging

Damning Sony payola memos: "I'm a whore this week"

Paul sez, “60-page PDF of letters and emails among major labels and stations negotiating pay-for-play deals of the sort for which Sony agreed to pay a $10M settlement yesterday. Highlights: Epic lists exact payouts for 75 spins based on size of market. Quotes: ‘I’m a whore this week, what can I say?’ ‘Get a power rotation commitment before we commit.’ ‘Don’t want to position Duran Duran with an 80’s club … they are still just as relevant in 2004.’ And of course the inevitable ‘Sent from my Blackberry Wireless Handheld.'” It’s awesome: this lists DJ after DJ who accepting paltry little tchotchkes in exchange for their integrity and mortal souls. They’re not just whores, they’re cheap whores.

1.1MB PDF Link

(Thanks, Paul!)

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