Disneyland's Happiest Lost and Found on Earth

Hilarious piece in USA Today about Disneyland's Lost and Found department, which turns up thousands of missing wallets, iPods, phones, cameras, pills, and even pets:

McFaul recalls a couple who had stored their caged canary at the park's kennels, which board pets — most of them dogs — while vacationers enjoy the park.

"At the end of the day, this dumb woman was so glad to see her little canary she took it out of the cage, and it went right into the trees of the Jungle Cruise," McFaul says. "I didn't tell them that hidden in the bushes — and definitely in the Jungle Cruise — are the most beastly cats. I thought, 'That poor little bird lasted that long,' " she says, holding her fingers an inch apart.

Gonzales says his department used a name and number on an expensive camera to contact a family in San Diego about the item. But they had reported the camera stolen three years earlier. "The thief brought it to Disneyland, and we reclaimed it for them," Gonzales says.


(Thanks, Officeslacker!)