Nazi sex dolls (or, proto-robo-hos) — HOAX

UPDATE: Unfortunately, this story appears to be a hoax. Sigh. Link

If there were ever a perfect example of a blog post title that violates Godwin's law, I reckon this is it. Anyway — Fleshbot rounds up links to reports of a Nazi “field-hygienic project” during WWII. Evidently, the idea was to provide soldiers with an inanimate alternative to "disease-spreading" prostitutes.

The doll has only one purpose and she should never become a substitute for the honourable mother at home… When the soldier makes love to Borghild, it has nothing to do with love. Therefore the face of our anthropomorphic sex machine should be exactly like the common wanton’s face.

Link. Borghild. Heh. Borg-Hilda! I understand that no photographic evidence exists, but aspiring photoshop historians are hereby invited to get busy with the interpretive recreations.

Reader comment: Adam Thornton says,

Have you read Gravity's Rainbow? Because this reads like something straight out of GR.

From the Nazi Sex Doll blog:

"A stickler for verisimilitude. Between June 1940 – 1941, IG Farben had already developed a number of ”skin-friendly polymers” for the SS. Their special characteristics: high-tensile strength and elasticity."

When I read this, all I could think was "Whoa. Imipolex G."