Boing Boing Staging

Flickr pool tracks Space Invader spottings

Reader Pete Barr-Watson says,

I saw your Boing Boing post on the RubikCubism exhibition and thought you might want to take a look at the Flickr group I started for the invaders… I’ve been into finding the various installations for a number of years and started the group so people could upload their own pix of them.

Shown here, two snapshots contributed by users “Meteorry” and “Keees” to that pool: “The red light district in Amsterdam is invaded too! This is the Arm bridge (Armbrug).” Left, detail; right; the scene from a distance.


Previously on BB: Space Invader, Rubikcubism.

Reader comment: Boing Boing reader Alan says, “As well as the photo pool, there’s a commonly-used tag on Flickr that will show many more.” Link to tag.

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