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Buffalo death porn is a bad thing

Snipped from the sticky pages of AVN:

Sexy Outdoor Sports had Georgia-based adult performer Daisy Duxxx kill a buffalo with a hunting rifle, then videotaped her having hardcore sex with a man next to the slain animal. Stung by the controversy the story generated, Duxxx and Miami-based Alternative Modeling, which had supplied her to Sexy Outdoor Sports, have now promised to sever all ties to the hunting outfit, a stance we commend. AVN has always been a staunch defender of First Amendment guarantees of free expression, notably when the material involves consenting adults, but in the case of Sexy Outdoor Sports, we draw the line. Animals cannot consent.

Link (via Warren)

Naturally, Fleshbot has been tracking other reports of “unsexy outdoor sports,” and those links are compiled here.

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