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Wendy's finger food finder arrested, NYT goes deep into the case

Anna Ayala, the woman who says she found a fingertip in a bowl of Wendy’s chili has been arrested. (Previous posts here and here.) According to a San Francisco Chronicle article, the reason for her arrest has not yet been revealed, but the San Jose police have scheduled a press conference for 1pm (PST) today. Link

Meanwhile, today’s New York Times tells the entire tale of Ayala’s “discovery,” the ongoing Wendy’s investigation, and the aftermath:

The troubles began for (Wendy’s VP of communications Denny) Lynch when the phone rang just after 11:30 p.m. on March 22. He had been sleeping at home in Dublin, Ohio, where Wendy’s has its headquarters. The caller was Bob Bertini, the chain’s media relations manager, explaining that Anna Ayala, a Las Vegas resident visiting family in San Jose, had bitten down on the finger in a spoonful of Wendy’s chili.

For the 52-year-old Mr. Lynch, there was no time to prepare a sophisticated plan of action. The news media, he was informed, knew about the gruesome discovery, and wanted a statement. He did not wake John T. Schuessler, Wendy’s chairman and chief executive, that night, but sent him e-mail messages explaining the news and the steps he had taken.

Over the next month, Mr. Lynch’s job became part “CSI: Wendy’s,” part public relations nightmare.

A management team from Sacramento, Wendy’s regional base, converted the office of the Wendy’s franchisee, JEM Management, based in Fresno, into a makeshift crisis control room…

Link (Thanks, Mark Riedy!)

UPDATE: According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Anna Ayala was arrested “on a charge of felony attempted grand theft, including a penalty enhancement for inflicting more than $2.5 million in losses on Wendy’s.” Unrelated to the Wendy’s case, Ayala also allegedly sold a woman an $11,000 mobile home that wasn’t hers to sell. If convicted, she could go to the slammer for more than six years. “We are urging Americans to go back to Wendy’s and enjoy a safe meal,” the prosecutor said. Link

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