Voicemail zen: bullshit comp-a-nee

Oh my goodness. I'm not sure what to make of this one. I can't breathe. Mel says:

This is an actual voicemail left for a company where I used to work. It's sort of like a stoned Elmer Fudd complaining about "sewvice" and having to pay "30 fucking dollars" to call customer service. The spaces in the sound are where I've blanked out identifying information.

Actually, it's more like Fat Albert meets Elmer Fudd meets Barbara Walters meets Forrest Gump. Link. Mucho profanity. Er, pwofanity.

Previously: Your fucked up Jewish chanting party, Confused, why don't they outlaw BBQ Forks, Crop circle psycho science, Foreigners don't have computers!, and Girl I Know You Messin Wit my Man.

Update: Mel provides alternate links for the "bullshit comp-a-nee" voicemail.

Urg. Had no idea Geocities would lock it up that quickly – I've got it on my own site and another blogger has mirrored it for me. We'll see how long I can hold out on my own site. Alternate link one or Alternate link two