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Tiny, witty pixellated avatars: storTroopers are back

StorTroopers were an hilarious Internet meme half a decade ago, when over a million users produced little pixellated avatars of themselves and their friends to adorn their websites and lives. The engine for producing the Troopers was whimsical and witty, and the pieces of clothing and adornment on offer were mixed of equal parts fashion-sense and hilarity.

The site went offline in 2002, but an active fan community has kept the Troopers alive, making their own new clothing articles, even building complete clones of the Troopers engine in Flash.

Now my pal Alice Taylor, the creator of storTroopers, has brought them back to life, with whole new wardrobes — goth, fashionista and civilian — and just like last time around she’s taking requests for new outfits and accessories. This time, though, the whole thing is released under a CC license, so you’ve got explicit permission to go on remixing and reusing your Trooper as you see fit.


(Thanks, Alice!)

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