MTV launches "Overdrive": DRM-laden music vids via PC

MTV has launched a new digital entertainment service (labeled beta, of course — beta is the new black), offering…

…news, live performances, short-form shows and music videos directly to your PC at broadband speeds. MTV Overdrive offers tons of exclusive content and lets you choose how you want to watch- that's the "hybrid" part. You can watch it like TV or jump to your favorite segments like DVD. You can watch entire shows like video-on-demand or you can build your own playlist.

Link to Spanish language post about the service, and here's the beta site for MTV Overdrive: Link. (gracias, tricky)

Unfortunately, the service is hamstrung by DRM features which effectively cockblock all Mac users.

"The videos on MTV Overdrive are encoded in Microsoft Windows Media 10 format to insure the maximum possible video quality. In order to offer you a broad selection of full-length music videos on-demand and free of charge, MTV Overdrive uses Windows Digital Rights Management (DRM) to protect the videos from unauthorized re-distribution. Unfortunately, Microsoft's Windows Media Player Plug-in for Macintosh does not currently support DRM. When DRM support becomes available for Macintosh, MTV Overdrive will work to support Macintosh."

Link to FAQ (thanks, Petey Pablo)

Another buzzkill: Firefox isn't supported, IE is mandatory. But perhaps worst of all is this happy fun morsel from the privacy policy:

If you are a registered user, you also acknowledge, understand and hereby agree that you are giving us your consent to track your activities (…)

Link to privacy policy