Boing Boing Staging

Neuromancer radio play preservation effort in the teeth of bureacracy

A fan of the BBC radio play adaptation of William Gibson’s Neuromancer has launched a one-fan preservation and distribution effort. Jody Armstrong has the audio available for download on a web-page, along with some fan-art and a plaintive disclaimer begging someone from the Beeb to return the phone-calls and emails left asking for permission to do so.

I’ve been trying to locate somebody at the BBC or some information in relation to redistributing this recording to allow those who were not able to hear the play to enjoy it. I have sent a letter, four e-mails via the tortuously confusing BBC Website contacts page and made over a dozen phone calls to various departments. I have left numerous voicemails as a result of these phoen calls. Nobody has responded to the messages, those I spoke too seemed to respond like a dog that had been shown a card trick and no hint as to whether I can redistribute it has been forthcoming.

If, whether it be the BBC itself, those responsibel for the play or William Gibson himself, has a problem with this distribution of the play, please bear in mind 4 things before breaking out the lawyers.

1) The bandwidth, this site and even the pretty pictures you see on this page is mine, an impoverished Gibson fan who wants to do a favour for the other fans. It’s out of my pocket, I’m spending my money, be kind…

2) I have made attempts to contact you and have been ignored. True I am probably breaking copyright laws, however I am promoting ‘Play of the Week’, William Gibson’s work and the talented people behind the radioplay.

3) E-Mail me, I’ll take it down straight away.


(Thanks, Boris!)

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