Mirror, mirror…

Researchers at Accenture Technology have devised a "mirror" LCD display that purports to show how your current lifestyle will affect your appearance. Webcams around your home monitor your activities (or lack thereof) and text/verbal surveys are used to log your diet. From New Scientist:

Once the computer has built up this profile, a different software package will extrapolate how this behaviour is likely to affect your weight in the long term. If the computer feels you are eating too much, it will calculate how many pounds to add to the image of the person standing in front of the mirror.

Another package will work on your face. Too much alcohol? Expect early wrinkles and blotchy skin. "Technology can be quite persuasive," Illsey says. "There will be several options for the visual feedback the user gets, ranging from weight gain to modifying skin tone to increasing the shadows under the eyes."
