One of my favorite sources for political news deconstruction is signing off.
We want to let you, our readers, know that we have decided to stop updating Spinsanity. Since March 2001, we've poured vast amounts of our time into this site, writing more than 400 articles as well as a book. It has been a rewarding but exhausting process, and after much reflection, we have decided not to continue the website. We will make sure our complete archive remains online as a resource for citizens and journalists, and have completed a final update of our topical index that presents an annotated guide to our body of work. It is available here.
Spinsanity was on my short list of bookmarks since the day they launched. Ben Fritz, one of the site's co-editors, was a colleague back when we both worked at Jason Calacanis' Silicon Alley Reporter… Ben was sharp as hell then, and I understand he's got some other new and interesting stuff planned for 2005.