The Bibleman Cometh

(Updated). Yesterday's Baby Jesus Interactive Head was a spoof. The Kentucky Creationist Museum was admittedly staid. For BoingBoing readers who want a little more action in their evangelical internet kitsch, this next round should suffice.

Christian Kaiju! Bibleman attempts to convert young souls by way of hot God-on-sinner conflict. A meatspace world tour is under way, video e-mails are available on demand, and the sin-smiting superhero stars in a buttload of DVDs. The vibe? GWAR meets Xena the Warrior Princess meets Vacation Bible Wrestling. Snip: "Bibleman’s spectacular battles against the flamboyant villains of Darkness are an exciting way to introduce your children to the Bible and the power of God’s Word." Flamboyant villains, huh? Get a load of Bibleman's own shiny man-cleavage. With all that spandex going on, he looks a little light in the loafers himself, if you know what I'm saying. Link

Update: Bonus Round. City of Revelation is sort of like Disneyland, only low-budget and born again. (thanks, Hyperspaz)

BoingBoing reader Yams says, "You might find it interesting to note that the man who wrote, directed and starred in Bible Man was frequent Scott Baio co-star, Willie Aames, who starred opposite Chachi in both "Zapped!" and "Charles in Charge". Link to Willie Aames IMDB listing.

And reader Ryan says,

Another bonus round: Holy Land is a bigger budget theme park here in Orlando, Florida. While not on par with Universal, Sea World or Disney World, it's got it's own kitsch. Make sure to check out the menu from the "Oasis Palm's Cafe", complete with "Goliath" burger. Another note, my deeply religious Catholic grandmother was bored out of her mind at Holy Land.
