Boing Boing Staging

Target Sells Anal Massage: coda

Following up on an interminable string of blather about the fact that sells an item called “anal massage,” I would like to alert all shoppers to this book title — also available on

Hiroyuki Nishigaki:
How to Good-Bye Depression: If You Constrict Anus 100 Times Everyday. Malarkey? or Effective Way?

Aye, there’s the rub. Link (Thanks, Nik Willmore)

Reader Chris Slatt adds, “The best part about that anus constriction book isn’t that it is sold at — it’s the customer reviews at Amazon. The 2nd page in particular is quite amusing.” Here’s a pinch:

A wonderful treatise on depression and a valuable resource for anyone, I can personaly attest to Mr. Nishigaki’s methods. By following his instructions implicitly, I have banished the dark clouds under which I suffered for years, and have integrated his practices completely into my life. Even as I sit and type this review I am busy constricting my anus and counting, 80,81,82,83……. ooops!


Siege adds, “The legendary Goatse himself reviewed it.” Link

BB reader Magnus confesses,

I actually purchased a copy of How to Goodbye Depression from Amazon a couple of years ago. The first part of the book is a collection of Usenet postings in which the author baffles a procession of posters with his anus-constricting theories. The second part constains more, erm, practical information.

The book manages to hover delicately on the knife-edge between wind-up and misguided sincerity; with everything given added semiotic slip by the Engrish in which it’s written. The reader genuinely has no idea whether they’re being laughed at, whether they’re in on the joke, or whether there’s even a joke at all.

I think it should be retitled Finnegan’s Arse.

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