Boing Boing Staging

Group woman-gamer blog — UPDATED

Fragdolls is a group-blog run by woman gamers. The entries alternate between tales of heroic gaming deeds and gripes about boys who borrow media and fail to return it — gripping stuff!


(Thanks, Nate!)

Update: James Everett sez, “you’ll notice that Fragdolls is sponsored by UbiSoft, one of the
largest publisher/developers around. While mentioning games they play
they certainly don’t do anything obvious like talk about strictly
UbiSoft titles, and their favorite games lists include Nintendo titles
like Zelda and Pikmin. But closer inspection reveals that they’ve
tried SOCOM II and blogged about not liking it for one reason or
another (mostly valid criticisms it looks like) while simultaneously
talking about how much they can’t wait for Ghost Recon 2, Ubi’s
competing military shooter title.”

Update #2: Simon sez, “Thought you might be interested to know that I did some more digging into that Fragdolls link that someone sent in to you, and someone else pointed out was actually some pretty insidious stealth marketing.

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