Howard Stern v. Michael Powell on radio show call-in line

BoingBoing reader douglips says,

This morning, Ronn Owens interviewed Michael Powell on KGO radio in the bay area. About 15 minutes after starting the interview, Howard Stern called in. Fur flew.

ASX Link, Real Audio link, and MP3 Link (thanks Erik) Howard kicks in at 32:20 or so into the streams.

Update: BB reader cowicide says, "I noticed your new mp3 download is pretty huge for most people. This might help people out who aren't on broadband: Small (680KB) file, edited to just air Howard's part of the show. Link." Thanks, cowicide!

Update 2: Link to CNN story, and Jeff Jarvis of Buzzmachine blog says, Here's a transcript of the Howard Stern v. Michael Powell confrontation: Link."