Rick Prelinger, who curates the Prelinger Archive (the largest video archive in the world, comprising thousands and thousands of “ephemeral films” like VD shorts, industrial training footage, and other great mix-and-match material — all licensed under Creative Commmons licenses), sends us three fantastic links to material in the Archive:
PANORAMA EPHEMERA (2004, 89:35 min., color and black and white) is a collage of sequences drawn from a wide variety of ephemeral (industrial, advertising, educational and amateur) films, touring the conflicted landscapes of twentieth-century America. The films’ often-skewed visions construct an American history filled with horror and hope, unreeling in familiar and unexpected ways.
PANORAMA EPHEMERA focuses on familiar and mythical activities and images in America (1626-1978). Many creatures and substances that we hardly notice because we feel so used to them take center stage, including pigs, corn, water, telephones, fire, and rice. At first resembling a compilation, it soon reveals itself as a journey through the American landscape over time, and the story begins to emerge between the sequences.
This site contains theatrical trailers for feature films. What, another movie trailer site? Well, this is a special one — SabuCat Productions specializes in collecting, preserving and distributing high-quality 35mm materials, and the trailers in this collection are unlike anything you’re likely to see online. Top titles: “5000 Fingers of Dr. T,” “Amazing Transparent Man,” “Conquest of Space,” and of course “Attack of the 50-Foot Woman.”
Growing collection of educational films originally targeting so-called “GenXers.” Like Prelinger Archives films on the same site, but made for younger audiences in the Open Classroom era. Memorable titles: “Last Prom,” “Why Doesn’t Cathy Eat Breakfast,” and “If Mirrors Could Speak: Self-Image Film.”
(Thanks, Rick!)