Boing Boing Staging

RNC protests: Brooklyn Orgastic Politics Collective

Color me jaded, but this call for citywide deployment of orgone cloudbuster machines to induce a “quivering saturnalia” inside the RNC walls sounds more like parody, and less like actual protest. But, hey, what do I know about Reichian energetics? Fleshbot says,


If the skies are dark over New York City next week during the Republican National Convention, it may be due to the cloudbusting efforts of the Brooklyn Orgastic Politics Collective, who plan to combat the “Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR)” of Dubya and company with … uh, something based on the theories of Wilhelm Reich (“Metaphorically speaking, our September 2nd project will be an attempt to give the sky a blowjob… Imagine the Republican delegates so consumed in fucking and sucking that they forget to nominate Bush.”)

Link. Don’t forget to wear your tinfoil beanie thong.

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