Mineralarianism food movement

Atkins is for pussies. Raw Foodism, Zen Macrobiotics, Fruitarianism — hell, Breathtarianism — they've all got nothing on this most extreme of dietary philosophies. Adherents of Mineralarianism nosh on nothing but rocks. Snip from the manifesto:

We are scarcely less related to the wheat or the yeast in a loaf of bread than we are to our fellow animals. We can no longer hide behind the idea that these life forms are not our kin, nor can we rationalize our mistreatment of them by saying that plants, fungi, and microbes are incapable of suffering…

If we refuse to eat our relatives, what CAN we eat? Fortunately, the same sciences of chemistry and biology that reveal our kinship to all life have freed us at last from the need to kill. Although most people are suprised to hear it, it is possible to live and thrive on a diet consisting entirely of foods of mineral origin. This is because every one of the several dozen nutrients the human body requires – carbohydrate, amino acids, fats, vitamins, and of course minerals – can be synthesized or extracted from air, water, and rock without the involvement of any life form, aside from the chemists who perform these miraculous transformations. The Mineralarians are an international association of people, diverse in other respects, who share the common determination to subsist on foods of mineral origin, thereby sparing our fellow beings the victimization that has been their lot, at our hands for the last million years, and before that at the claws and jaws of previously dominant species.

Link to the Mineralarianism movement website. (Thanks, Rudy)