Boing Boing Staging

D&D book reader on ferry hassled by security morons

A BB reader sez: “Thanks to the RNC, there are manditory bag searches happening on the NJ-NY Ferry. This fellow first got hassled with a re-search for carrying The Player’s Guide to Faerun a D&D book, and then the next day, security tried to confiscate his copy of Exalted: The Abyssals as ‘inappropriate.'”

ExaltedTheAbyssalcoverThis morning, they’re doing bag searches again to get on the ferry. And the guy doing the searches pulls me aside and says, “Sir, I feel that I need to confiscate this book.”

I pause and say, in that tone of voice that most people would recognize as meaning, “have you lost your grip completely, chuckles?”: “You need to confiscate… a book.”

“Yes. I feel it’s inappropriate for the other people on the ferry to be exposed to it.”

He gets all pissy at me and says, “Don’t you understand this is for your safety?”

“Confiscating someone’s gun or bomb is for my safety. PErhaps confiscating someone’s pocketknife or nailfile may be for my safety. What’s so damn dangerous about my book?”



UPDATE Game designer Greg Costikyan took the time to send email to the NY Waterway to protest the rogue imbecile security guard who tried to confiscate the game manual (How much do you want to bet that the rogue imbecile security guard wanted to confiscate it so it could take it back to his home and use it as a masturbatory aid?).

Greg Costikyan: Just spoke with people from New York Waterway, who say:

1. They’re trying to track down mephron (the original poster) to get more detailed information from him–e.g., time and ferry route.

2. If the story is true, it is not only a violation of company policy, but also of martime regulations, and if it is true, they wish to correct the situation as quickly as possible.

3. Anyone with further information about it are invited to contact them directly.

Sounds sensible to me…

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