Follow-up to Follow-ups to One-Hit-Wonder song titles

First, there was this — by John Moe, in McSweeney's, much-blogged already but much funny, too:

# How Are We Going to Get These Dogs Back In?

# Bust an Additional Move

# Seriously, Eileen, Come On

# I Will Now Pass the Dutchie Back to You and Thank You for Passing It to Me Originally Because I Really Enjoyed the Dutchie

# Whoomp! There It Continues to Be

Link. Now, there's this, from sturtle:

# "As My Eyes Became Accustomed to Her Science, My Sight Was Restored"

# "Baby Lost 20 Pounds of Back (on Atkins)"

# "I Am No Longer Too Sexy for My Ten-Year-Old Shirt"

# and of course, "100 Luftballoons"

Link. But wait! Francis says Kittenpants blog has still more followups to followups to followup song titles.
(Thanks, Siege, and thanks, Snoodle!).

Update: Make it stop! More followup song titles. And more. Aaaand more. Also, see this exhaustive list of supergroups that never were.