Now that's mobile entertainment: eccentric dude's piano bar on wheels

Following up on yesterday's post about the ice cream truck converted into a reggae dub soundsystem on wheels, Bill Pollock says: "Harrington King (whose business cards read "Spiritual Optimist") regularly parks his custom piano bar on wheels at various places down midtown [Sacramento, California] most weekend nights. Its cozy inside, appropriately piano bar-y with assorted bongos for those who feel moved to play. An awful photo but decent writeup avaialble via the News & Review (Link) and the traveling piano bar has its own website (Link)."

On the piano bar website, an archived interview in the Sacramento Bee, in which the eccentric dude says:

(Reporter) Do you have a favorite weekend song to play?

(King) I've got a Sacramento song that people like.

(Reporter) What's that?

(King) I don't know. I guess it's called "Sacramento Song."

(Reporter) You go to any music spots around town?

(King) I am a music spot around town.
