The online publication RFID News just published a fresh feature — editor John Wehr interviewed representatives of several organizations about public perception of RFID technology, legislative efforts, and privacy best practices. Some thought-provoking stuff in here. Snip:
# “In most cases, asking how a company exploring item-level RFID tagging can protect their customers’ privacy is like asking a fox how he can best ensure the safety of your chickens.” — Katherine Albrecht, CASPIAN
# “Businesses need to do more to educate the general public on the uses, benefits and issues about the use of RFID, fostering constructive solutions to their concerns.” — Dayna Fried, Hewlett-Packard
# “Much of the early work and publicity surrounding RFID was focused much too far into the future and on applications outside of the supply chain.” — Jack Grasso, EPCglobal US
# “[Auto-ID Center, now EPCglobal] documents detailed how such a campaign may unfold, citing the need for the development of a proactive plan that would ‘neutralize opposition’ and ‘mitigate possible public backlash.'” — Cedric Laurant, EPIC
Link (scroll down to bottom of page for “Interviews with the Experts)