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Cop, sheriff work a little too closely, produce online porn video

The SF Examiner reports that a San Francisco cop is under investigation for making a porn video with a colleague from the sherrif’s department. Outraged officials say an internal probe (ahem) is forthcoming.

In the video, which was posted on a pay-per-view Web site, Tenderloin beat cop Darryl Watts played out a fantasy where he pretended to be a john and a sheriff’s department employee acted the part of a prostitute referred to as “Myra.” [Ed note: Actually, the PPV site we found spells the character’s name as “Mira.”] The video did not tap into any law enforcement themes common in the pornography industry. No badges, batons, uniforms or pistols were produced during the film, police said. (…)Police sources said that Watts, who has been on the force for three years, is a “good, productive street cop.” Last year, he was hailed for capturing a man who was chasing another man with a butcher knife near Union Square.

Link to SF Examiner story (Thanks, Marc). An honorary link-fu degree will be awarded to the first BoingBoing reader who produces a link to a legitimate copy of the illicitly-produced video (or the location of the PPV site where it was first distributed) Update: “masked_superstar” and David both win. Link to free *.wmv clip on the originating PPV porn site, not worksafe, sexually explicit.

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