Boing Boing Staging

Chicketecture? Chicken Chic? iCluck?

You won’t find any subservient chickens in these poultry housing units, which were thought by some to have been an elaborate April Fool’s joke — but were printed as the real deal in the Times of London, The Register, and elsewhere. Designed so that city-dwelling humans can add a little bokbok to their daily lives, the iMac-like eglu may just be “the world’s most stylish and innovative chicken house and [a] perfect way to keep chickens as pets.”
Link (Thanks, Giordano!)

Erin says, “A fresh-egg-lovin’ pal of mine showed me the Eglu last week. It’s no hoax, but it isn’t designed for “city-dwellers” as such – most cities prohibit keeping poultry for health reasons, but there are a lot of little hamlets (omelettes?) in England where it would be perfect. Apparently their design was inspired by the iMac. Perhaps this heralds a new era in chicken coop fashions? :D”

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