A few days ago, Jonno pointed me to a Bollywood-flavored remake of Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough," which he found on a sekrit MP3 blog that shall remain nameless. This track is phat. This track is funky. This track makes me want to do a little dance in my ergonomic chair. A little google-digging reveals the song is by a group called the Bollywood Freaks, and came out on a limited edition red vinyl 7" in the UK. I want to send them money for the funk they provide. I want more of their music. If anyone has info, cough it up.
But for now — look! Someone dumped a copy of said funky track on a server somewhere. Download the MP3 while it lasts. Link
Stephen VanDyke says, "The name of the artist is James Hy-man, you can find all of the tracks at Boomselection (Link, alternate link). You may also be interested in Get Your Bootleg On (GYBO), which is where a lot of the bootleggers post new mixes."
And Charles Vestal says, "The mix posted on boomselection is a DJ set James Hyman did. While it's wikked awesome, very little of it is actual work he's done, save beatmatching the tracks and adding his name from promos over the intro track. I believe he has done some great mashups in the past, like the Slim Shady / Rockafella Skank mashup from so long ago.
Also, have you seen neverfollow.com? Audi's giving away a TT Coupe for someone who does a mashup of a track off Bowie's new album, Reality and any other Bowie track. Go Home Productions already did this, at the request of Bowie for the new single (featured in a new Audi commercial), mixing the new rocker Never Get Old and Rebel Rebel from Diamond Dogs. So much newness with a little bit of old, and Bowie's still ahead of the curve, embracing mash-up culture when the rest of the industry is scared of it. Dig out your sampler and get to work!"