Boing Boing Staging

We're a Movable Type blog now!

After over four years with Blogger, Boing Boing is now a Movable Type blog! Blogger is an excellent tool, but we’d outgrown it and it was time for a change — we’re immensely grateful to Ev, Steve, Jason, Biz and the gang for all the support over the years.

So now we’re an MT blog, which is great news. It means that we’ve got access to some of the fastest-evolving tools in the business, with all the third-party plugins that talk to MT’s API. Expect some cool new features on the blog soon (we’re gonna add search right away, and CSS layouts, and other neato crap to follow!).

Enormous, undying gratitude is hereby flung in the direction of Ben Trott, for all the work he did on making the transition smooth and painless. Ben, you are a prince.

Another change that you’ll notice straight off: our permalinks are now post-per-page; that is, in order to load an individual post, you needn’t load the entire month associated with it. We’ll be using some mod_rewrite mojo to make this true of all the backlinks as well — the bandwidth bills for loading monthly archives were really starting to add up (the reason we did monthly archives was the lack of a good search tool — at very least, if you could remember what month you saw a post, you could load that month’s archive and dig through it).

We still need to convert the guestbar to MT, which will come soon enough.

So, life is good. Beware falling rocks. Welcome to the MT era of Boing Boing.


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