Mojo Nixon retiring

Mojo Nixon is retiring after a final show at this year's SXSW in Austin — as a side-note, I have to say how refreshing it is to see the <blink> tag still in use after all these years of derision and deprecation.

"I have nothing more to say," says Nixon. "Not only am I empty, but obviously nobody gives a rat's ass about the things I have been saying for twenty years. The masses are just as blinded by the light of stupidity, prudery and the shiny objects of hate…"

"He has been on the cover of the Wall Street Journal, he has appeared nude in magazines, he has been in bad movies, been censored by Hustler magazine, three record companies and MTV, he played every possible music joint where nutjobs congregate in 45 states, he even played in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan and did a three-week tour of Norway," says longtime manager Scott Ambrose "Bullethead" Reilly. "He has suffered death threats; he sang with Don Henley; he has even been an answer on Jeopardy for God's Sake. He was the captain of a US Olympic team and debated Pat Buchanan. For us. He did this all for us."


(Thanks, eye_mojo!)