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US Senator calls for P2P Summit

BoingBoing pal John Parres says:

Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN) is back in the news. Last fall the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which he chairs, scrutinized the RIAA’s crackdown on file-sharers. Last week during a Consumer Electronics Show panel he said, “With the advent of technology such as peer-to-peer networking, law, technology and ethics are now not in synch. We need to find other ways to solve the problems rather than issuing lawsuits and lobbying Congress to pass tougher laws.” Now, lo and behold, he is planning to convene a peer-to-peer (P2P) summit within the next two months. (Story link)

The Senator says, “I believe we need the technology experts, the computer industry, the peer-to-peer industry, the software industry, the entertainment industry, the privacy experts and the business experts to come together and discuss positive and meaningful solutions to this challenge facing a major segment of our economy.” A voice of reason in the Senate? I for one am hopeful.

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