Boing Boing Staging

RE/Search Pranks Festival in San Francisco on Saturday!

“Fifteen years after it first hit shelves, PRANKS! remains one of the most important and relevant books ever to emerge from RE/Search’s outre publishing house. In today’s current surreal political landscape, a well-executed prank can do much more than yelling theater in a crowded fire!

In that spirit, RE/Search and The Lab present The Pranks! Festival (Saturday, 12/6). The Pranks! Festival will celebrate ten Bay Area artists who appeared in PRANKS! Through art exhibits, panel discussions, and chaotic socialization, we will fete the fearless Situationist spirit that San Francisco’s pranksters embody. This is a rare opportunity to engage with prankster pioneers Mark Pauline of Survival Research Laboratories (SRL), Monte Cazazza, Bruce Conner, Paul Mavrides, Mark McCloud, Mal Sharpe (yes, of Coyle & Sharpe), Fluxus anti-artist Robert Delford Brown, John Trubee, tattoo guru Don Ed Hardy and Jello Biafra (tent.).”

Update: Milton Rand Kalman, Chief Scientist of the Billboard Liberation Front, tells us that the BLF will also be making an appearance!

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