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Gawker jumps the snark

Dude, Gawker is OVER. Not shut down, I mean, like, so OVER. As in, when New York magazine publishes a feature which includes phrases like “Gawker Explosion,” “Gawker Effect,” and “Gawker-fed hotness” about your site, all your je ne sais blog vanishes like a broken RSS feed in the night. (Note to God: please, please, please, don’t let them ever pen so much as a word about BoingBoing, or I’ll have to go back to spamming friends with lists of art-porn urls. Oh wait, I still do that! OMG! LOL!).

Still, Choire has teh funny. And Elizabeth Spiers is somehow managing to stave off the ravages of obscurity despite having turned down Jason Calacanis‘ infamously unrefusable offer. As for Nick Denton, the blogtrepreneur is said to be launching new sites, very soon — the first of which is Fleshbot, a hot pink orb devoted to all things porny. Next up: A Gawker-like site focused conceptually and geographically on Hollywood, and a DC-centric blog deconstructing politics, spin, and everything else that lies inside the beltway. Link to NY Magazine hand job story. (thanks, Invisible Cowgirl)

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