Boycott JetBlue — stop CAPPS II!

CAPPS II is the TSA's mini-Total-Information-Awareness program, an automated suspcion-generation technology for our nations airports that will use algorithms to semi-randomly finger passengers for cavity-searches, no-fly-lists and other forms of terrornoia-inspired unconstitutionality.

CAPPS II isn't a reality — yet. But that didn't stop Delta Airlines from deciding to pilot CAPPS II for its flights last spring. Massive public outcry changed Delta's mind about selling its passengers out to the governmental elements who believe that the Constitution only applies when we're not "fighting terrorists."

That was a real victory, but now JetBlue has stepped up to volunteer to run its customers through the TiA-meatgrinder.

The airline industry is in real trouble. Boycotts against the airlines work — they can't afford to lose even a few patriotic customers. I'm not flying JetBlue again until they change their tune.

Rather than being merely the airline with free DirecTV, JetBlue shall henceforth be known as the airline with thousands of daily, non-stop trips from Washington, DC into the private lives of Americans foolish enough to fly their Orwellian, unpatriotic airline.

It's time for all patriotic Americans to share with JetBlue a little of that Boycott Delta love. If the JetBlue leadership hadn't been under a rock for the past six months, they would be well aware of the pillorying in the media and the countless millions of dollars in lost revenue borne by Delta by participating in the first round of CAPPS II testing.

Until JetBlue publicly withdraws from any and all CAPPS II testing and apologizes to the American people for their reckless disregard for the US Constitution, a boycott of JetBlue Airways is in effect.
