How to sell an iTunes track

Want to exercise your first-sale rights in the music you buy from Apple? It's not easy, but it is possible. All you need to do is buy a disposable credit-card, jump through a lot of hoops, and eventually, you can make it happen.

I run to CVS and buy my first prepaid MasterCard, paying for it with my real credit card. The price of pseudo-anonymity is steep though, $9.95 for the card with a minimum initial balance for $20, turning my $1.05 iTunes investment into a pricey $31 expenditure. I should be able to get the $20 back out of the card assuming Keith doesn't buy 20 iTunes the moment he gets my email. [Update 2003-09-10 8:23 AM – I was able to spend $19 of the $20 on a gift to the EFF, not sure what happened to that other $1]…

I've deauthorized my computer, sent Keith the information and file. He can play the Double Dutch Bus as well as the other songs that he purchased from the iTunes Music Store. His computer is now authorized on his old account and the new account that he received from me.
