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Social Fisking: the new new thing

Yes, it does sound naughty, but no, it doesn’t require any lube or latex. Social Fisking (derived from: Fisk, Robert). Just learned this word tonight. Means: QuickTopic freestylin’. Posting an archived copy of an online news or commentary piece with links to QuickTopic discussion forums inserted throughout. This creates an interactive way for readers to break down the arguments/theses put forth in that story into bite-sized chunks so readers can debate, riff, and discuss the story as you might if you were sitting around a coffee table arguing over a print magazine among friends. On the pho list, Kevin Marks wrote:

Xeni Jardin wrote an article for Grammy magazine on compulsory licensing. I’ve fisked it using QuickTopic here. If you want to join in, please do here. [The word “fisking” is] a warblogger term by derivation – it means rebutting an article by
interleaving quotation with refutation (or general ridicule). Robert Fisk’s reports were prime targets, hence the name.

And pho co-founder John Parres opines:

At first glance, appears to be a clone of the graphics and text published at Grammy Magazine. But on closer examination it is obvious you have transformed some of the original works by interlacing QuickTopic links within the original so as to create a distinctively new page that fosters criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, AND research. Indeed, in determining fair use limitations on exclusive copy-rights TITLE 17 > CHAPTER 1 > Sec. 107., USA courts are required to consider many factors including (3) “…the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole…” That’s pre-Internet old skool, of course.

Today, you reproduced an entire work in situ, yet it is mechanically transformed with encoded instructions (hyperlinks) at salient points that enable new capabilities for public criticism and comment as encouraged and desired by the fair use exemption set forth by the Courts and Affirmed by Congress. The maximalists will of course disagree. But those of us who cherish the Communions which arise from the sharing of ideas, commentary and debate intuitively know these exchanges inevitably illuminate Knowledge and Wisdom — which as the art-deco Masons of 30 Rock etched like lightning in stone — Shall be the Stability of Thy Times.


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