Free anonymous WiFi at FCC offices

The FCC is now offering free, anonymous WiFi to visitors, but they're logging all traffic.

Last year, Powell directed his staff to take the steps needed to make the FCC one of
the first federal agencies to provide public WiFi access. Visitors bringing their own hardware
and software can use the service on the Twelfth Street, Courtyard, and Eighth Floor levels of
the headquarters located at 445 12th Street, SW in Washington, D.C.
The system uses the 802.11a and 802.11b protocols, commonly referred to as WiFi.

The Commission will be unable to provide technical support, and all transactions using this
service are the responsibility of the visitor. At present, the FCC will not request personal
identifying information prior to allowing access to the wireless network. If requested by
outside authorities, however, the FCC will provide data from system audit logs to support
external investigations of improper Internet use.

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(via Werblog)