"BigDave" needs kidney transplant, bloggers team up to help

Dave Jacobs needs a kidney transplant. A veteran of Microsoft, Macromind, Marimba and Macromedia, where he held executive positions in marketing and technology management, Jacobs is also a former Fetish columnist at Wired magazine. Dave Winer, Marc Canter, Doc Searls, and others are joining blog-forces to get the word out, and help him find a donor:

There aren't many things we need in life to survive — food, water, a warm place to rest, that's about it. My good friend, David Jacobs, 47, is different. He needs a new kidney to survive. He's suffered for a decade with a degenerative condition called polycystic kidney disease or PKD and has been on the kidney transplant waiting list for two years.

The past two months have been full of problems and complications and a couple of days ago, Dave he told me he was going to take his appeal for a kidney donor public. Until now he's been extremely private about his condition, but he is hoping to not only find a potential donor for himself, but to raise awareness for organ donation in general. When he asked if I would help, of course I said yes.

Link to Dave Winer's post, Link to Marc Canter's post,