Boing Boing Staging

Web app transforms blogs into poetry

An oldie worth revisiting: This burnin’ hunk of code on Rob “CmdrTaco” Malda’s site will transform your blog into a poem. Here’s what it did with a chunk of Reverse Cowgirl’s blog that included my guest-blogging stint there last week:

The dopey sedative hangovers, and no children

this is for kids

iced pimp cups/fire girl fairies/not thinking anything/

violently vibrating vicissitudes/peep show stories/

XXX to Xeni

the work featuring sexy chicks andepic interludes, was is

Stuart Hughes. A breast.

He comparedthe feel of little women
currently, looking for Anthrophophagy. currently, looking he described the next big
thing for buying the Real Marquis De Sade

Doc Searls will be hosting a wild romp through various

childdeaths via the amputee devotee scene.

Put your blog through the poetic mashup app, and post the results here: Discuss (Thanks, Susannah!)

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