Boing Boing Staging

Rent retro arcade games for your next geek-bash

via DailyCandy:

You know what they say: It’s not a party until someone barfs in the bushes. Maybe that’s because parties are dull. All that standing around and feeling socially awkward. If only there was something fun going on, the inebriation requirement could be waived.

Say, for instance, arcade games. Party Pals will rent and deliver them to the privacy of your living room. No need for substance abuse when Alpine Skiier, Hydrothunder, and Air Hockey are in the house. More mature party-throwers will get a thrill from classics like Ms. PacMan, Frogger, Donkey Kong, and Space Invaders. Our favorite by far, however, is Dance Dance Revolution, where players follow dance steps in time to manic music. Fun to do, and even more fun to watch. Especially after a few drinks.

Link to one LA-based company that provides this service. Know of others? Post them in the discussion forum here! Discuss

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