Talk radio is the province of lying demagogues, bigots and fools

This Boston Globe editorial about the sorry state of talk-radio is bang-on.

Somewhere between Orlando and Tampa, a host spent the morning touting the discovery of an Iraqi drone as the smoking gun in the case against Iraq. Reporters on the scene would describe this drone as a "weed whacker with wings."

There was another host, somewhere between Tampa and Fort Myers, who took antiwar women's groups angrily to task on the grounds that the women of Iraq were bitterly oppressed. He didn't seem to know that Iraq — which surely oppresses both genders — is a secular state where women are more equal than among our friends the Saudis.

On the last lap between Fort Myers and Naples, there was the assertion, repeated again and again, that Saddam was somewhere behind the terrorism of Sept. 11. Never mind that the CIA disagrees.



(via Dan Gillmor)