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Disney parks are no-fly zones

The new Orange Alert aviation regs have created a no-fly-zone around Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

The new regulations in effect create a no-fly zone around Disney World in Orlando, Florida and Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Unless pilots are granted specific exemptions from air traffic controllers, no flights are allowed within a 3-mile radius around the parks or below 3,000 feet.

Government officials said the Disney restrictions are not based on any specific or new information, but rather stem from a general concern about those two locations as possible terror targets.

Counterterrorism officials said the Disney parks have come up in interviews with al Qaeda operatives. Pictures and information about the parks have been found during some terror sweeps overseas, they say…

Disney spokeswoman Leslie Goodman said the latest airspace restriction is nothing new and expressed concern the latest restriction is unnecessarily worrying visitors. She complained Disney’s phones have been ringing off the hook with anxious vacationers calling.

So there’s a real possible upside to all the terrornoia: I might get shorter lines when I visit Disneyland next.



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