Boing Boing Staging doesn't shoot straight

On blog, Noah Shachtman just posted this astute deconstruction of the federal government’s WWIII preparedness site:

It’s better than a hysterical call for duct tape. But, the Homeland Security Department’s new website to help the public prepare ­ and deal with the aftereffects of ­ a biological, chemical or nuclear terrorist attack, still ignores an obvious truth: that such strikes are nearly impossible for al Qaeda-like groups to pull off.
Take biological weapons, for example. As previously
, there’s only been one successful biostrike in
the history of modern warfare. All other attempts have

Why? First of all, smallpox, anthrax, and the like are
hard to spread effectively. There are only so many
mysterious packages you can send out. Second, the
weapons are pretty fragile. This week’s blizzard on
the East Coast would have wiped out just about any
biological agent.

But there’s no mention of this at Instead,
families are told, “If you become aware of an unusual and suspicious
release of an unknown substance nearby… Quickly get
away. Cover your mouth and nose with layers of fabric
that can filter the air but still allow breathing.
Examples include two to three layers of cotton such as
a t-shirt, handkerchief or towel. Otherwise, several
layers of tissue or paper towels may help. Wash with
soap and water and contact authorities.”


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