Answers published for's 2003 "World Question"

For the 6th Annual edition of's "World Question," John Brockman posed the following imaginary query from George W. Bush to the Third Culture mail list:

"What are the pressing scientific issues for the nation and the
world, and what is your advice on how I can begin to deal with them?" – GWB

Answers are now online from respondents including:

Ian Wilmut * J. Craig Venter * Steven Pinker * Ray Kurzweil * Gino
Segre * Stephen Schneider * Oliver Morton * Rodney Brooks * Seth
Lloyd * Denis Dutton * Freeman Dyson * Philip Campbell * Kevin Kelly
* Lawrence Brilliant * Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi * Paul Davies *
Robert Shapiro * Jaron Lanier * J. Doyne Farmer * Colin Tudge *
Marvin Minsky * George Dyson * William H. Calvin * David Gelernter *
Janna Levin * Howard Gardner * Martin Seligman * Richard Nisbett *
David Lykken * Alison Gopnik * Marc D. Hauser * Eric R. Kandel * K.
Eric Drexler * James J. O'Donnell * Michael Shermer * Daniel Goleman
* Richard Saul Wurman * Andy Clark * John Horgan * Roger C. Schank *
Nancy Etcoff * Gerald Holton * Judith Rich Harris * Brian Goodwin *
Karl Sabbagh * Joel Garreau * Susan Blackmore * Leo Chalupa * Jordan
Pollack * David Myers * Ernst Poppel * Lisa Randall * Stuart Pimm *
Eduardo Punset * Lee Smolin * Rafael Nunez * Timothy Taylor * Mike
Weiner * Leon Lederman * Bart Kosko * Adam Bly * Randolph Nesse *
Terrence Sejnowski * Mary Catherine Bateson * Alan Alda * Cliff
Barney * Douglas Rushkoff * Donald D. Hoffman * Steve Giddings *
Lance Knobel * Piet Hut * Robert Aunger * Christine Finn * David M.
Buss * Beatrice Golomb * Rupert Sheldrake * Delta Willis * Clifford
Pickover * Eberhard Zangger * Steven Quartz * Keith Devlin * John
McCarthy * Gary F. Marcus * Justin Hall * Stephen Reucroft & John

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